Class: VerfGame


The main game application class.


new VerfGame(config)

Create a new game application.
Name Type Description
config object A configuration object for controlling the game canvas and declaring scenes, assets and plugins.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
parent string <optional>
body A css selector for the element where the game canvas will be appended.
width number <optional>
230 The width in pixels of the game canvas. If resizable is true, this is the minimum width.
height number <optional>
180 The height in pixels of the game canvas. If resizable is true, this is the minimum height.
resizable boolean <optional>
true Wether or not the game canvas resizes with the browser window.
zoom string | number <optional>
auto How many times the canvas will be enlarged or downsized by css. Defaults to 'auto', which does the calculation automatically considering the available space in the browser window.
pixelArt boolean <optional>
true Wether or not to set `image-rendering: pixelated` on the game canvas. For crisp pixel art.
overlay boolean <optional>
false Renders the game canvas at the highest z-index with a fixed css position.
background string <optional>
transparent A color with which the canvas is cleared every frame. You can use hex (#FF0000) or html color names (tomato) Defaults to transparent, meaning you see the body background or anything that is behind the game canvas. Available in the scene through `this.engine.background`
foreground string <optional>
'#000000' An optional foreground color. Available in the scene through `this.engine.foreground`
scenes Array.<object> <optional>
[] An array with scene configuration objects.
Name Type Attributes Description
name string A unique name you can use to reference the instance of the scene in your code. To start the scene for example.
class class The class (extending Scene) that will be used to instantiate the scene.
options object <optional>
Extra options that will be available in the scene instance init method.
assets Array.<object> <optional>
An array with assets to load at the start of the game.
Name Type Attributes Description
name string A unique name you can use to reference this asset in your code.
type string 'image' or 'audio'
src string The path where the file can be loaded over the network. Can also be a data-uri.
chunks Array.<object> <optional>
An array for the parts of an audio sprite.
Name Type Description
start number Start time of the sound bite in seconds.
end number End time of the sound bite in seconds.
plugins Array.<object> <optional>
[] An array with plugins.
Name Type Attributes Description
name string A unique name you can use to reference the instance of the plugin in your scene. For example 'sfx' becomes 'this.sfx' in all scenes.
type string 'global' or 'scene'. A global plugin doesn't need to extend a class and is the same (singleton) instance for all scenes. For the scene plugins a unique instance is created for each scene and it must extend ScenePlugin.
class class The class to instantiate the plugin. It doesn't have to extend anything for the moment.
options class <optional>
An object that will be passed to the constructor of the plugin.



Internal function. Gets called automatically when the browser window resizes and `resizable` is set to true in the game config. It calculates a width, a height and a zoom depending on the intial values of the game config.

setSize(width, height, zoom)

Internal function. Called by onWindowResize and also at the start of the game. Updates the scene viewport properties and calls the active scene's resize method.
Name Type Description
width number Width for the canvas
height number Height for the canvas
zoom number Factor to enlarge or downsize the canvas in css